Archive for the ‘cultura teologica’ Category

Iad cu aer conditionat? Mai exista iad,focul vesnic,ghena, viata fara sfarsit in iad ? Vechea idee a negarii iadului, a pedepsei vesnice a celor care mor fara Cristos este adusa in actualitate de aparitia cartii lui Rob Bell, „Dragostea invinge” ” Dupa cum spune subtitlul „o carte despre Cer, Iad si soarta oricarei persoane care a trait vreodata pe pamant”.
Cum poate un Dumnezeu plin de dragoste sa pedepsesaca in chinul vesnic pe cei care nu primesc mantuirea in Cristos? Oare nu cumva pana la urma toti vor fi mantuiti (Universalism)? Sau de ce sa ii tina Dumnezeu intr-o viata vesnica de chin dupa moarte, nu ar fi mai bine si potrivit cu dragostea Lui sa faca ca toti cei ce mor fara Hristos pur si simplu sa le fie distrus trupul impreuna si cu sufletul lor (Anihlism)?
Ignorand cele mai multe pasaje din Biblie care arata pedeapsa lui Dumnezeu revarsata asupra oamenilor care nu s-au pocait am putea raspunde afirmativ la oricare dintre solutiile filosofico-religioase propuse de invatatorii mai noi si mai vechi.
Dar luand un singur verset numai Ioan 3:36 „Cine crede in Fiul are viata vesnica;dar cine nu crede in Fiul nu va vedea viata. Daca ne rezumam sa citam numai aceasta parte a versetului am putea ajunge la idee de anihilism „…cine nu crede in Fiul nu va vedea viata…” dar continuare aspune ca „…Ci mania lui Dumnezeu ramane peste el”. Esti pregatit sa mergi in iad ? Daca nu exista iad, pedeapsa vesnica „sa mancam si sa bem ca maine vom muri”. Si noi evanghelicii am largit cale tot mai mult, ii bagam in rai mai pe toti indiferent cum isi traiesc sau si-au trait viata.
O parere a lui Albert Mohler despre cartea Love Wins
Dezbatere inregistrata in filmul urmator privind Universalismul vs Pedeapsa Vesnica

Take a quiz to find out your theological worldview;

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My (Daniel Lucescu) Scored as Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan
You are an evangelical in the Wesleyan tradition. You believe that God’s grace enables you to choose to believe in him, even though you yourself are totally depraved. The gift of the Holy Spirit gives you assurance of your salvation, and he also enables you to live the life of obedience to which God has called us. You are influenced heavly by John Wesley and the Methodists.
Evangelical Holiness/Wesleyan
Reformed Evangelical
Neo orthodox
Classical Liberal
Modern Liberal
Roman Catholic

Observation: I am influenced strong by Methodists even I do not know to many things about them. Should I do more to know better this beliefs ?

Freed by Grace
Atonement for All
Conditional Election
Total depravity
Security in Christ
Total depravity
Unconditional Election
Limited Atonement
Irresistible Grace
Perseverance of the saints

Read more FACTS of Arminianism vs the TULIP of Calvinism

Arminian theology, when rightly understood, teaches that salvation is monergistic. God alone does the saving. God alone regenerates the soul that is dead in sin. God alone forgives and justifies on the merits of Christ’s blood. God alone makes us holy and righteous. In all of these ways salvation is entirely monergistic. The difference between Calvinism and Arminianism is whether or not God’s saving work is conditional or unconditional. Arminians believe that God will not save until we meet the God ordained condition of faith. Faith may be understood as synergistic only in the sense that God graciously enables us to believe, but we are the ones who must decide whether or not we will believe.

Read more Is the arminians theology synergistic ?

About Hell- John Piper and N. T. Wright

Posted: noiembrie 8, 2010 in cultura teologica